Sunday, July 15, 2007

Why didn't I see this before?

Hello all,

I have been fooling around with vmware alot lately. I must say that running Kubuntu on a virtual appliance under XP is incredible! I get to have my Streamtuner, my bash prompt, Anjuta, and all the other things I like about Linux run natively. Now that computers are getting faster, memory is getting cheaper, screens are getting bigger, and virtualization is maturing, we can finally use more than one OS at a time. It is finally becoming a reality, this virtualization thing! I've waited for years, and now it's here. The next thing is to have the guest OS run as a service and load its programs into a sub-menu on the start menu. I saw reference to that in an article this weekend, but I won't write about it until I've explored it and gotten it to work (or not).

Here is one of several good pages explaining how to run XP under Linux, using your XP partition! Talk about ambitious!

VentureCake » Blog Archive » 15 minutes to using your existing Windows install & apps in Ubuntu

It really does work, but beware(!) that it may trigger the activation gadget in XP. It did it to me. Besides that, it works quite well. They can share files, sense each other on the network, and do remote desktop control (but why would you want to?). The only thing that isn't working yet is OpenGL on the client. Well, it "works" but it's way to slow to use. The next step, it seems to me, is to make vmware run in an OpenGL window. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but someone's gonna' figure that thing out, and I can't wait for it to happen.

The only reason for windows to be on my computer at this point is for my games. If those ever run correctly on Linux, Windows is out!

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